Saturday, April 30, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert. 971

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert. 970

This is one place and how all those scam pages are sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

Their web site you can report to facebook .

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert.-969

Here is the link for this scam page you can use it and copy this link to report to zynga.


 You and also report it from our group page.

ScamVille – Group on Facebook

Friday, April 29, 2011

Zynga please Help support United States tragedy! Injunction with The Farmville Advocate & 4f groups

We are Zynga customers and We play & invest in Farmville and now we need to ask Zynga's help United States farmers on behalf of American Red Cross for our Humanitarian needs & Rescue missions to the missing families and children's.

My prayers for the loss of life, as recovery begins for search & rescue and humanitarian missions starts to sought merciful treatment for the injured and food supplies.

Alabama USA were among the places devastated by the deadliest twister outbreak in hard-hit areas surveyed obliterated homes and debris-strewn streets.

We, Us and Farmville Fans Support - Farmer's Watch Group and the 4f groups along with scamville & the play fair group have our condolences & prayers as the searches continue for the missing. They issued emergency declarations for parts of their states because of utter destructions and appears some neighborhoods that have been basically removed from the map.

Glad that some survived and sadden some didn't make it, they should have a lot to be thankful for and we all cared as you may feel free to share this Cause from Farmville Advocacy & Staff Board Members.

We are not asking for anything, We are asking Zynga to focus on a serious note, all nice that we get a party tent for the Royal Wedding, but we would love to trade those in for special crops to raise money for the victims of the horrible tornados....

C'mon Zynga, show your real heart & support! Start something like you did for Japan and Haiti but now asking for our own people!

Zynga please Help support United States tragedy!

As your Farmville Advocate - I Mr. Samuel Ortiz Sr. Along with Joey Olive of the 4f groups and ScamVille Are asking all Members & Families to share this Cause to everyone you know and I will personally see if Zynga will support United States Of America!
Yes We Care! Yes We Farm! & Together United We are not alone!

Please Come Join Our Cause to help others as we ask zynga to Help those in need. You can donate to the Red Cross in 2 ways, with real money that goes right to the Red Cross or threw "Give a minute" Answer a few silly ad questions and it will donate .10 for every question you answer.This too goes right to the Red Cross when the admin clicks the button to send to the Red Cross. we all can at least give a minute of our time for this good cause.Please don't give real money unless your rich or feel so compelled to do some thing.

You can also visit our other groups that are helping in the support of this cause.

Friends For Fair Farming – Public page

ScamVille – Group on Facebook

Play Fair – Group semi Public

Good Morning Scam Fighters, It seems to be all quiet on Facebook for The moment for Scams and fake Pages. If you see or hear about any plz post them here or on the scamville group or send to me and I will post them here and on our Blog.I thank you for all your help and support.

ScamVille – Group Semi Public

ScamVille – Causes,com

Be Scam Smart

Please Share with your friends If your scam free.Be scam Free, Get the facts, Help your Friends.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert. 968

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert. 967

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert . 966

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert. 965

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert - Event Sacm. 964

                                                               Hurry and check this out 

 Please Be on the look out for fake scam Events, They can be sent to your in box or posted on the right of your page in your event tab by friends that have clicked on them or the link for it.Then it will auto tag all your friends making it look like your friend sent you that Event. What ever you do never copy java script into your address bar for any app or page or web site NEVER.

Hеy Guyѕ thiѕ rеally wοrks and I gоt my 500 crеdіts

Juѕt fοllοw these 3 ѕtеps:

1. Cοpy thіs cοdе (highlight аnd preѕs CTRL-C):


2. Deletе the аctual addreѕs frοm the url field іn yоur brоwѕer аnd pastе the cοdе insteаd.

3. Prеѕѕ Enter аnd wait for а bit, іt can tаke up to а minute tο cоmplеtе.

That's it!

If yοu are having trouble with thеse inѕtructiоns, try vіеwіng the іnstructiоns hеrе:

it's where I learned it

FarmVille Scam Alert. 963

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please REPORT AND BLOCK these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

Here is a BLOCK link for this scam app.

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert - Fake Page Alert, 962

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

Monday, April 25, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert. 961

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report this one

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.


ScamVille – Group Semi Public

A place to come to find all latest Scams for all the games you play. It is our hope to put a stop to all the fake applications and sites that offer you some thing for nothing. We will post Scams, viruses, fake pages and applications. We want to be able to inform you of these before you click on them and hurt you computer and friends.

Friends For Fair Farming – Public page

A place for players who believe the use of bots, snag bars & bonus checkers/collectors is wrong. We will also soon have a “add me” section where you will be able to find like minded players

ScamVille – Causes,com

Play Fair – Group semi Public



Friends For Fair Farming – Blog

Play Fair –

ScamVille – Picture Badge

Say NO! to Gamers Unite! – Group Public – WE support



Sunday, April 24, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert. 960

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert. 959

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert. 958

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

FarmVille Scam Alert. 957

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert .956

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert. 955

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it.

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

FarmVille Scam Alert. 954

Another scam page sending out fake gifts to trick you into getting on their page. Please report these sites if you see them. The link to report it.

You can also go to the ScamVille group and report from there.

Scam Alert - Event Scam. 953

Another Event scam posted in your in box or request box,you will also see them on the right of your Home page in the Event tab, you can just click on the x to remove them and report the others as spam.

Scam Alert. 952

SCA,SCAM,SCAM .............Another fake gift from the spammers PLEASE REPORT THIS PAGES.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Please come show your support to be scam free. On may 13th by changing your profile picture. You can RSVP and then invite all your friends at one time.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Scam Alert seems to be over for now.

Good news Farmers it looks like all the latest Photo tagging scams have been shut down and removed from Facebook,Make sure you check your Photo album to see if you have any tagged Photos still left in there.If so please remove. Also you should check your apps,here is the ez to your app page.    Re-post for your friends.

Scam Alert - New Photo Tagging Scam

New photo tagging scam making it way threw facebook and your friends,Do NOT click on that crap. There are 2 so far 1. called Kanye West your friends 2. called fishville.

If you are seeing your friends getting tagged in photos or you are,Please post this to every person your see get tag so they will know and know how to remove it copy and paste from here to their walls.................Plz watch this video and remove all those tagged photos on your photo page, tagged photos from groups like this are scams and will click jack you and your friends,some will even spread viruses, you must remove all the photos your tagged in or your friends will get tagged too.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome Scam Fighters

Welcome to our ----- Blog! Thank you for visiting today. If this is your first time to our blog, please pull up a hay bale and sit for a spell whilst we get acquainted. If you’re an old friend thank you for your continuing support.
We our a group of Farmville fans committed to helping our fellow farmers by providing you with the most up to date information to help you farm safely & fairly. Topics covered include; how to spot the latest scams, fake applications & viruses, playing in a cheat-free environment (in accordance with Zynga rules), & Farmville news and tips for general game play.

ScamVille – Group on Facebook

ScamVille – Group on